Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Charlie: Four Months

My littlest pumpkin is four months today! Everyone knows that time flies... But somehow I think it goes even faster with your second baby.

We won't be going to the doctor until May 1st so I don't have exact measurements at this time but be prepared to be blown away, I'm sure. I estimate him at 20+ pounds. He is not a small fella...!

Charlie is big. Charlie is strong. He is smiley, sweet and loud - I think he's my social baby! I couldn't imagine a better child to add to our family.

Monday, April 22, 2013

New Word of the Day


Bathtime is a favorite time around here. It probably is at most houses with children.

Wyatt tries to drink the bathtub water constantly. We are always on him to stop and that it is dirty! Especially if Wyatt and Charlie are sharing a bath. You cannot trust a four month old.

Last night, Wyatt was enjoying a bath after a Sunday of playing outside at Ettie's house. And so comes the new word of the day. Delicious. I cannot believe how clear and how adorable this word is coming out of Wyatt's mouth. Even if it is in reference to dirty bath water.

New Word of the Day

Wind blower.

Last Saturday I had the chance to go to Columbia for a nice little day of shopping. After realizing my husband would be working around the house most of the day, I decided to stay home and mow... The first mow of the season! I do love to mow. I am pretty good at it... And have been mowing for about 15 years maybe....

I shattered our dining room window. Fantastic. We had a tree taken out and another trimmed. Apparently the lawn mower picked up a piece of wood no bigger than a pickle and launched it into the window! This was the first major incident of my mowing career.

Wyatt is obsessed with this mishap and that a man is going to have to fix it!

Which leads us to the word of the day: wind blower.

Wyatt now points to our window and says "Wind blower. Momma broke. Man fix it."

If you ask me, calling it a wind blower and not a window is actually pretty witty and spot on.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Potty Training, Poop and Hiccups

Adventures in potty training have begun at our house. Wyatt was just two in January so this seemed like a good time to start some casual training. After chit-chat with several friends, I decided to go straight to nice big boy underwear complete with the great Cars characters, Thomas the Train and all that jazz. Wyatt seems to have picked up on the idea pretty well and after a couple of accidents he is figuring out you can't just "go" anytime you want now.
Today, Wyatt was sitting playing near me and all of a sudden got a worried look on his face.  "Toot.....", he said shaking his head back and forth. I asked if he needed to go potty and off we went! He was a little concerned... I think he thought he wasn't going to make it.  SUCCESS!!! Wyatt POOPed in the potty! I was so tickled and made a fool of myself rejoicing in his success. As a reward, Wyatt got a sucker and a new little train for his set. Happy mom. Tickled.
A little later, I was feeding little brother Charlie and had been in the midst of getting everything ready for a trip to church and visit with my mom for the afternoon. Wyatt came into my room and had a little accident but not much, he was just a little wet, so I quickly put Charlie down and got ready to get Wyatt in the bathroom. Again, he was VERY concerned that he wasn't going to make it on time! So I pulled the big boy pants off of Wyatt and PLOP! Out came a nice fresh mound of, well, POOP. (Sorry....) OH!! NO!!! To make matters worse, Wyatt's little bare foot came right down on top of the POOP. OMGravy! So here sits little Wyatt on the toilet with a foot covered in POOP and a nice little pile on my bedroom rug. Accidents happen. It's part of the training process.
Whew. After all was said and done I went back to feeding Charlie. Little did I know that one of life's little HICCUPS was right around the corner. About 5 minutes later, Wyatt walked back into my room in his church clothes...covered in baby powder! He had pulled Charlie's diapering basket off of the changing table and apparently dumped powder all over himself. I, calmly of course, instructed Wyatt to go to his room and play while I finished getting Charlie ready for church. "Do NOT get into anything else messy!" Two minutes after that Wyatt came out of the bathroom carrying a bathtub cup (complete with a little dribbling hole) full of water through the house! We had some words... It is Sunday and I did pray for forgiveness.
In the end, we all survived. We all made it to church, on time even.

Another little nugget....

One of the first days of potty training, Wyatt actually just spent a good amount of time just hanging out half naked.  This made it easier for me to just plop him onto the potty every 15-30 minutes to try and go. 

Wyatt's "bathroom" is his bedroom.  He usually goes into his bedroom, shuts the door and POOPs while leaning over his little train table.  Knowing this, I was especially watchful whenever he wandered that direction. 

At one point during the day, Wyatt wandered into his bedroom and shut the door.  A couple minutes after I walked in to find.... Wyatt reaching behind him to his bottom and catching a nice little nugget of, again, sorry... POOP from his bare bottom!!!  OMGoodness!  I was thinking, good thing he caught it, otherwise we would've had POOP on the floor and a big mess!  Little did I know a few days later this would become a nice, disgusting reality.

Wyatt followed my instructions, carried the little nugget into the bathroom and dumped it into the potty.  I sat him on the toilet and he was able to go more.  Half success.....?  I suppose so.


After saying to myself, on more than one occasion, 'I couldn't make this stuff up'... I decided maybe it was time to properly document some things. So here we are. Be prepared to hear stories of poop and other little hiccups of life. Don't worry I won't be toooo disgusting. I will just share some of the precious gems from my parenting experiences. Welcome!