Sunday, April 21, 2013

Another little nugget....

One of the first days of potty training, Wyatt actually just spent a good amount of time just hanging out half naked.  This made it easier for me to just plop him onto the potty every 15-30 minutes to try and go. 

Wyatt's "bathroom" is his bedroom.  He usually goes into his bedroom, shuts the door and POOPs while leaning over his little train table.  Knowing this, I was especially watchful whenever he wandered that direction. 

At one point during the day, Wyatt wandered into his bedroom and shut the door.  A couple minutes after I walked in to find.... Wyatt reaching behind him to his bottom and catching a nice little nugget of, again, sorry... POOP from his bare bottom!!!  OMGoodness!  I was thinking, good thing he caught it, otherwise we would've had POOP on the floor and a big mess!  Little did I know a few days later this would become a nice, disgusting reality.

Wyatt followed my instructions, carried the little nugget into the bathroom and dumped it into the potty.  I sat him on the toilet and he was able to go more.  Half success.....?  I suppose so.

1 comment:

  1. If you can make it through potty training, you can make it through anything! With two of my children, getting them to poop in the potty was definitely more difficult than getting them to pee, but they learned it soon enough, and I'm sure Wyatt will too. Until then... let's hope he continues to be a good catcher! ;)
