Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Did someone say strep...?

Yesterday, my dad and I were scheduled to go on a secret mission to get a birthday gift for my mom.  We had all the details lined out and were planning a 1:00 p.m. departure.

But life isn't that simple.

All morning, my beautiful Charlie just didn't seem quite right and he was a fuss. budget!  He took a morning nap and when he woke up he felt like a charcoal briquette!  I took his temperature around 10:30 to find he had a 103 degree fever.  ?!  Charles !? 

The secret mission was being threatened!  I had arranged for my mother-in-law to keep the boys after lunch - through naptime - until the evening when I returned.  I texted her to tell her that Charlie had a fever - we both assumed he had an ear infection because he had been tugging at his ears for nearly two weeks.  I didn't think a whole lot about it - he hadn't been overly fussy and he was sleeping fine - I just figured he was being 18 months old and touching everything.  He has also gotten two molars in the last couple weeks so I associated any possible issues with the teeth.

Thank goodness for a mother-in-law who isn't afraid of a fever.  May I add here - my mother-in-law feel off her ass and broke her ass several weeks ago... (It's okay that I say this... because she has said it before... :)  )  So not only is she not getting around in her typical fashion - but she's going to watch my boys for me AND one of them has a fever.  Bless her.

I dropped the boys off and had a wonderfully successful secret mission.

Later that night, I arrived to pick up Charlie, and he was a sad little sight.  He was pretty tender, had just been laying around on Memaw for the majority of the time, and again, he was on FIRE.

When I got him home, I discovered he had 103.6 fever.  OMgoodness!?  I tried not to get too concerned - figuring it had been several hours since Tylenol.  I gave him a dose of Ibuprofen and he fell asleep promptly at 8.

An hour later, I went in to check his temperature and was pleased to find it had already dropped to 100-101.  I really had a sneaking suspicion I was going to find a 104+ fever and we were going to have to head to the emergency room - again..... (Still paying for the last trip, by the way...)

Charlie slept beautifully.  He didn't make a peep all night and woke up around 9 in the morning.  He was still just a little feverish but seemed to have a little more pep, and an appetite - thank goodness!

Still, I thought, we need to get this boy to the doctor to find out what caused this fever.

Fast forward to 3:30.

Don't confuse this look with joy.  Momma is becoming a master in distraction.

Here I sit in the doctor's office with my child who hates going to the doctor.  They said his ears didn't look too bad - but his throat looked awful!  .................... My back slumped and I prepared for the hideous news.

Awaiting our test results.

They tested for strep.  Boom.  Positive.


Turns out, the doctor thinks Charlie probably didn't completely recover from his last go-around with strep.  Since the amoxicillin-serum-sickness-ridonkulously-dramatic episode not long ago, we've been using precaution with any antibiotics.  She had prescribed azythromiacin  for five days.  Odds are, five days just didn't quite kick the strep.

I felt relieved knowing that we caught this early enough to treat and no longer be contagious for the upcoming holiday.  That relief quickly faded to fear that Wyatt, Seth, or myself, would come down with strep just in time for closed doctor's offices and holiday parties.

Long story short....?  Or is it too late for that...?

I am not typically this person.  But.  I called one of our family doctor's and asked if he could maybe prescribe antibiotics for the rest of us.  Like I said, I wouldn't typically jump the gun and ask for treatment, but knowing my luck, one or several of us would wake up on Friday morning and have a fever and be getting this little fun-sucker.  Also, Charlie and I just shared a popsicle on the deck a couple of days ago. ......

They said they could help me and they could help Seth, but they don't see patients under 16 so Wyatt was out of luck.  They asked if we had any allergies, "No." and they called in prescriptions.  Saved.

I made a mercy call back to the boys' regular doctor and explained, "I would not typically ask for this - I would wait for a fever or some other symptoms, but I'm just worried Wyatt will catch this just in time for a long weekend."  Amazingly, and thankfully, they obliged and called in a prescription for Wyatt.

We killed our time by making a trip to Wal-Mart (also, I don't make a habit of taking my sick kid out in public... but we use a cart cushion and he really sat quietly sucking his sucker.... so stop judging.... you do what you can...)  Wal-Mart at 4:30 is the death of me.  I'm a 9:00 a.m. Wal-Mart shopper.  We made it through our list in decent time and after the typical check-out line drama, we were free.

Off to the pharmacy.

Didn't I say long story short... Sorry, I guess I lied.

Giving four different names for prescription pick up confused the daylights out of people... They had received one for Charles, but not for Wyatt, Seth or Lindsey.  Not long after, all of the prescriptions had been called in.  As I sat, they called out the drive-up window and asked if I was allergic to Sulfa. 

....... Yes......... "Well they called in a 'script with Sulfa for you."


In my scatter-brained worry filled haze, I forgot to tell the doctor's office, "Yes, I'm allergic to sulfa."

Okay, I will have to call them tomorrow and ask for a different prescription.

Three different rounds of "It'll be 5-10 minutes" later, I had left with three prescriptions to protect my family from strep.

I was spent. 

Final note on the subject - the doctor asked to see Charlie again in about 14 days, after he had completed his antibiotics, to confirm that we had gotten rid of the strep.  So get excited, Charles Henry, two weeks from now you get another stick down your throat.

All because we love you...  ;)

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