Wednesday, October 8, 2014


I think at one point I told a friend, and maybe even mentioned here, that my life got exponentially dirtier after having my second child...

Right after I had Charlie, Wyatt got into this awful habit of sticking his hands in his diaper after he had done his dirty business... And that lead to awful discoveries of dirty business in a variety of places... 

I think the hand into the dirty business was a step in the direction of potty training for Wyatt.  I'm pretty certain he was just over two. 

Well, here I am almost two years later and I'm reliving the joys of that age through dear Mr. Charlie.

In the last two weeks I have dealt with an unordinary amount of poop in a wide variety of locations throughout this house....  Don't worry, I will spare you all the pictures. Though a few choice friends have been lucky enough to receive some of the snaps... ;)  Don't you feel special....

Charlie does things a little differently, though.  Charlie doesn't just stick his hands in his diapers, he just takes the diapers off completely.  The other morning I was in my bathroom getting ready when out of the corner of my eye I saw a bare-bummed Charlie streak out of my bedroom.  Sure enough, when I peaked into my closet where he had been playing, I made the horrendous discovery.  A pebble-poop filled, abandoned diaper - along with a few strays - right there in the middle of my closet. 

About a week before that, I saw Wyatt come out of the hallway and stop in his tracks and say, "No, Charlie..... Don't.... Charlie.... No...."  I came in to find Charlie standing half-naked on top of an empty coffee table with his little poop pebbles all over the stinkin' table!?!?  BOY. 

*Side note - I have never been more happy about a little lingering case of constipation that leads to pebbles of poop that are easily picked up instead of that nice healthy, smearing consistency we all enjoy.... *

**Another side note - I apologize for the somewhat graphic nature of this post.  I am trying to use the sweetest language I can to describe such a subject.  But, let's face it, you're the one who decided to read about a post called Poop on a blog called Poop and Hiccups...**

Closet, table, living room floor, bathtub... These are just a few of the locations where the poop bandit tends to strike.

So here's the thing... Does this mean Charlie is thinking about being potty-trained..!?  Wyatt was just over two years and potty trained like a dream... But Charlie isn't even two yet... And I definitely don't want to set both of us up to fail... But if he's telling me something, I don't want to miss the boat...

Any thoughts, dear Poop readers...? 

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