Monday, August 1, 2016

Christ Walk - Day Five. Whoops.

It is 9:30 at night and I haven't walked yet.

I woke up this morning to rain - after it rained all night long - and the rain continued through the better part of the morning.  I really thought I would enjoy going out for a walk in the rain but it was often pouring and almost always lightning.... I figured staying inside might be a better idea.

But rainy days bring on a little bit of slothing.  I went about my morning slowly and enjoyed the rain.  I'll walk later.

My slothy morning led me into a somewhat slothy kind of day.  I did a lot of work on the computer and had to prepare for my church board meeting tonight but there wasn't much up and at it happening for me.  I figured I would walk after the meeting....

Day Five talks about how we've taken the idea of "me time" and turned it into "me all the time".  "Live a life that is called for service to others..."

Well, as a mom, I feel like I'm always being called for service to others.... I'm always responding to the needs of my children.  Snack. Drink. Help. Where is this? Can I? Will you? Wipe me? Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom.

I really cannot complain.  You may not know this, but my boys are awesome.  They are very smart, very funny, very helpful, very loving.  We are very proud.  It's interesting how in the last five days I feel like the boys are showing even more love towards me.  Maybe they are seeing a softer side of me...

I have to stop there - I can talk and tell stories about my boys for a very long time.  Where was I?  Life called for service.

Well, aside from serving the boys and my family, I have been called to service for our church. Not quite three years ago, I remember telling my mom that I was wanting to get more involved in the outside world somehow.... get involved in the community.  My mom has served on the church board, my dad on the school board and hospital board... Maybe I needed to try to find a way to get involved.

Enter: God.  Probably only a couple of months after I had been feeling like I should get involved somehow, I was approached at church to see if I was interested in taking over the role of Treasurer.

Woah, God... Slow down.  I'm not sure I am capable of THAT.  Day Five says "God is revealed to all of us at different points in our lives and in different ways."  After pondering back and forth and learning more about the responsibilities I decided that yes, I could handle that.  I had just asked for an opportunity to be more involved in the community and look what landed on my plate.

I am almost two years into my service on the church board as treasurer and I am constantly learning more.  I love that I have been able to get involved in the business behind the church.  Not just the numbers but the planning and assisting our church.

I really enjoyed accounting when I was in high school - not just because my aunt taught the class - but I really loved the numbers and the forms and the rules.  There isn't wiggle room - it's right or wrong.  My aunt always thought I should go into accounting but I wasn't convinced.  Numbers aren't for everyone and I'm not great at math but I'm pretty decent at keeping the books and knowing how it should all work out.  I would like to think of this as one of my gifts.  And now I get to use it to help serve the Lord.....

Sigh.... Now it's almost 10 o'clock and I haven't walked yet.  I AM GOING TO WALK.  I wish I could be walking outside but it's officially dark and I would very likely break my ankle if I attempted a walk in the dark.  Luckily for me, we have a treadmill.  It lives in our basement and I am very convinced that this is going to be my least favorite walk so far.  10pm in basement.  Surrounded by concrete.

I could very easily decide not to walk and just tack it onto tomorrow.... But I really have been called to do this walk and just yesterday I read the following - "You must follow exactly the path that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live, and that it may go well with you, and that you may live long in the land that you are to possess."

2.2 miles.  And, go.

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