Tuesday, May 28, 2013

"Got gross on me...!"

One of Wyatt's new favorite places of all time is Dean's shop.  Dean has a pile of the best old farm tractors and implements, ever.  Wyatt could spend all day just digging through this pile of treasures, hooking and unhooking each and every piece of equipment. 

Dean doesn't live very close to us, but very near a couple of fields that Seth farms.  He's very gracious and provides storage for our tractor, or planter, or mower, whenever the conditions kick Seth out of the field.  Which is quite often here lately. 

Wyatt rode with Seth one morning this weekend to go deliver something to Dean and Wyatt spent his time digging through the treasure pile.  But somehow he managed to get covered in grease... It's amazing how little boys find these hidden stashes of grease.  Magnets for messes.

Wyatt came home with grease all over his clothes and some remaining spots speckled all over his body.  But Wyatt hasn't mastered the word 'grease' just yet.  During lunch he proceeded to tell me how he got "gross" all over!  "Gross all on mine pants! Gross all on mine mouth! Gross all on mine hands! Dean clean gross off mine hands."

True story, Wyatt.  Grease is gross.  I am becoming proficient in nasty laundry.  Just in time for three boys to take over my life.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Charlie: Five Months

Big Charlie is five months old today! Every day he is so sweet and jolly. And quite ticklish! Tickles bring giggles. Giggles bring hiccups. Hiccups bring spit up. I have this sneaking suspicion that Charlie will be the boy who spins in circles after dinner and makes himself sick...

Yesterday, I wrote about Wyatt and how much he talks. I spend most of the day listening to Wyatt trying to meet his word quota.  I am excited for Charlie to find his words and start conversing with Wyatt. The conversations those boys will have... I know we will get a lot of laughs. But. I so enjoy the silence of Charlie. The sweet, quiet, breathy sounds coming from him are enough to warm my heart. Babies are just so sweet and pure and innocent.

And my how time flies. Charlie is almost half way through his first year and I wouldn't do anything to change what he has become for our family. He loves Wyatt and is always watching him. When Wyatt comes in for a good night hug and kiss Charlie smiles and giggles.

I always wanted a girl and was fairly bummed to find out Charlie was another boy. I wouldn't change a thing. I'm quite partial to boys. My boys. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Interview with a two year old...

Little Wyatt is really starting to talk. He can put words together into complete thoughts and is making nice, choppy sentences. Most of these revolve around his favorite boots and some piece of equipment that is "broke down". So while swinging the other day, I decided to ask some random questions and write them down. I'm excited to do this often to see how he changes...!

How old are you?
What's your name?
-Wyatt. Super Wyatt.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
-Farmer man.
Where do you want to live when you grow up?
-Live in a tractor over there.
What do you think will be the first thing you drive?
-Green tractor.
What's your favorite letter?
-Pah pah (P says pah, thanks leap frog)
What's your favorite food?
Who are your friends?
-May. (I was very confused by this until I realized he was talking about a little puppy who visited.)
-I like dogs in the tractor. (Random.)
What does your little brother do?
-Good dog chartah.
And our interview concluded when Wyatt realized....
- Shadow back! My shadow over there! So happy. Tooted.

Oh, to be a two year old boy.
What a gooseberry.

Monday, May 13, 2013

No News Is Good News....

I guess when you have a blog all about poop and hiccups and you have nothing to say... No news IS good news!

All seems to be going well with potty training!  Wyatt has very few accidents now and has gone on several outings in only big boy underwear!  I am so proud of and so impressed with Wyatt and how he has picked up on potty training.  He still sleeps in a diaper, just in case, but amazingly enough, wakes up dry every morning!  He wakes up at 5:45 every morning.... dry.  I wouldn't mind him waking up wet at 6:15.  Only kidding.  I'm proud of him and mornings start early around here.  Special thanks goes out to my baby daddy, Seth, for being in charge of Wyatt in the morning.

Don't be mistaken.  There is still plenty of poop around here.  And hiccups for that matter.  Just not many have been noteworthy.

I have a nursing 4 month old.  That's a messy job and I have ended up with Charlie's poop on MY pants twice in the last week.  I took a picture of one of these messes and sent to a friend who doesn't have children.  She was fairly disgusted, I think.  Thanks to her delayed response to my first poop-on-my-own-leg picture, I was reminded that I had Charlie's poop on my pants AGAIN!  By the way... it's still there. 

Talk again soon... I need to go change my pants.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Charlie: The Stats. And a study in durability.

Charlie's four month check-up was today. Drum roll please............

And in the red corner.... Weighing in at 23 pounds and 4 ounces... And measuring at 28 inches long.... Heavyweight champion of the four month olds.... Charlie "Steamroller" Tyre!!!

Don't worry friends, babies.... He is gentle as could be and happy as a clam. Harmless fella.

He does seem to be somewhat indestructible. He has already taken a couple of intense tumbles. When Charlie was just about a week old, big brother Wyatt decided to help me give Charlie a bath. I asked him to go get his stool but he must have thought Charlie's name was stool because when I came around the corner to get Charlie, I saw my tiny baby laying face down on the floor. That is a pretty scary feeling... Luckily he wasn't crying, acted normal all day and was scheduled to see the doctor the next day anyway. All is well.

Another nice little tumble happened when Charlie was about 3 months and he managed to do a complete flip off of a small bookshelf while he was strapped into his carseat. Don't ask me how... I was standing right next to him, holding on to the seat. Let's just say 2 year olds are crazy, and I'm not talking about Wyatt.....

Finally, this wasn't a tumble but an exercise in brotherly love and testing the durability of a four month old. I put Wyatt in the crib with Charlie and turned to get clothes out of his dresser. While away I heard Wyatt saying "ride Charlie, ride Charlie" and came back to find Wyatt straddling little, big Charlie. Wyatt!!

The doctor told me after the first incident that second children make you realize just how sturdy babies are really. Nonetheless, I don't like the durability tests we've already put Charlie through. Fortunately, he has passed with flying colors and, so far, remains unharmed.