Friday, May 24, 2013

Charlie: Five Months

Big Charlie is five months old today! Every day he is so sweet and jolly. And quite ticklish! Tickles bring giggles. Giggles bring hiccups. Hiccups bring spit up. I have this sneaking suspicion that Charlie will be the boy who spins in circles after dinner and makes himself sick...

Yesterday, I wrote about Wyatt and how much he talks. I spend most of the day listening to Wyatt trying to meet his word quota.  I am excited for Charlie to find his words and start conversing with Wyatt. The conversations those boys will have... I know we will get a lot of laughs. But. I so enjoy the silence of Charlie. The sweet, quiet, breathy sounds coming from him are enough to warm my heart. Babies are just so sweet and pure and innocent.

And my how time flies. Charlie is almost half way through his first year and I wouldn't do anything to change what he has become for our family. He loves Wyatt and is always watching him. When Wyatt comes in for a good night hug and kiss Charlie smiles and giggles.

I always wanted a girl and was fairly bummed to find out Charlie was another boy. I wouldn't change a thing. I'm quite partial to boys. My boys. 

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