Tuesday, May 28, 2013

"Got gross on me...!"

One of Wyatt's new favorite places of all time is Dean's shop.  Dean has a pile of the best old farm tractors and implements, ever.  Wyatt could spend all day just digging through this pile of treasures, hooking and unhooking each and every piece of equipment. 

Dean doesn't live very close to us, but very near a couple of fields that Seth farms.  He's very gracious and provides storage for our tractor, or planter, or mower, whenever the conditions kick Seth out of the field.  Which is quite often here lately. 

Wyatt rode with Seth one morning this weekend to go deliver something to Dean and Wyatt spent his time digging through the treasure pile.  But somehow he managed to get covered in grease... It's amazing how little boys find these hidden stashes of grease.  Magnets for messes.

Wyatt came home with grease all over his clothes and some remaining spots speckled all over his body.  But Wyatt hasn't mastered the word 'grease' just yet.  During lunch he proceeded to tell me how he got "gross" all over!  "Gross all on mine pants! Gross all on mine mouth! Gross all on mine hands! Dean clean gross off mine hands."

True story, Wyatt.  Grease is gross.  I am becoming proficient in nasty laundry.  Just in time for three boys to take over my life.

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