Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Just a little visitor....

I don't feel that I need to actually even say these words here, but I will.  I still miss my Annie dog more than I ever thought I could miss a pet.  She's still with the vet.  Still working on her miracle.  She has made improvements.  She still can't walk.  She still can't express her bladder on her own.  But she's trying.  I've seen videos from the vet of Annie attempting to stand on her own and these are definitely improvements.  She still has a long road...

Still the best dog.  Ever.

In the meantime, yesterday, a friend posted a picture of a dog that was up for adoption.  The dog immediately sparked my attention.  It is a small dog, around 10 pounds and just about 5 years old.  It is a Bischon/Poodle mix who's owner has had some health problems and is no longer able to care for the dog.

I reached out to my friend about the dog and found out its owner is a relative of mine.  I don't know the direct link, all I know is it goes through my dad.  I have a hard time remembering any relationships outside of first (maybe second) cousins.

Things were starting to fall into place with this dog.  The dog is somewhat related to me.  The dog's name is "Chloe".  Seth's dear dog that we lost several years ago was Chloe...

I didn't want to commit to an official adoption of this dog.  My head wants a dog in the house again.  My heart says, "But what would Annie think....?"  My friend assured me that if I felt it wouldn't work with this dog, or when it was time for Annie to come home, I wouldn't have any trouble finding another home for this dog. 

After I got the okay, we decided to make the call and foster the dog.  I say foster, because I really want to get my Annie dog back.  And if she comes back, I don't want her to feel like she's been replaced. 

But if Annie doesn't come back.... I don't even want to finish that thought.

So this morning, I head to pick up the little dog.  As I got closer to the vet my heart started to sink.  I've had mixed emotions about this the whole time but getting close to the clinic brought it out.  My little Annie dog is in there..... Maybe I should go see her.  No, that won't help Annie and it won't help me... But how can I walk in there and pick up a different dog and just leave Annie. 

Well.  That's where Annie needs to be.  I don't have enough ability to help or care for her at this point.  She is loved there.  They are giving her everything that she needs, including love.

I made it clear to the folks at the vet that all I wanted was my Annie dog back... But in the meantime, maybe I could give the love I have for my Annie to a dog who needs it.

So I walked in and shortly after walked out with this little Chloe.

She is a very sweet dog.  She was timid and confused but is already settling in at our house.  She sniffed everywhere and I know she can still smell Annie.  She spent an extra amount of time sniffing around my side of the bed - Annie used to sleep under my side of the bed.... She has been sweet to the boys and very sweet to me and now she's curled up in the new little bed I bought her right beside me in the kitchen.

We will take care of this dog and give her a home.  I know we will get attached.  But if sweet Annie comes back, this little sweet girl might have to find another new place to go.  But for now... she's content.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


I think at one point I told a friend, and maybe even mentioned here, that my life got exponentially dirtier after having my second child...

Right after I had Charlie, Wyatt got into this awful habit of sticking his hands in his diaper after he had done his dirty business... And that lead to awful discoveries of dirty business in a variety of places... 

I think the hand into the dirty business was a step in the direction of potty training for Wyatt.  I'm pretty certain he was just over two. 

Well, here I am almost two years later and I'm reliving the joys of that age through dear Mr. Charlie.

In the last two weeks I have dealt with an unordinary amount of poop in a wide variety of locations throughout this house....  Don't worry, I will spare you all the pictures. Though a few choice friends have been lucky enough to receive some of the snaps... ;)  Don't you feel special....

Charlie does things a little differently, though.  Charlie doesn't just stick his hands in his diapers, he just takes the diapers off completely.  The other morning I was in my bathroom getting ready when out of the corner of my eye I saw a bare-bummed Charlie streak out of my bedroom.  Sure enough, when I peaked into my closet where he had been playing, I made the horrendous discovery.  A pebble-poop filled, abandoned diaper - along with a few strays - right there in the middle of my closet. 

About a week before that, I saw Wyatt come out of the hallway and stop in his tracks and say, "No, Charlie..... Don't.... Charlie.... No...."  I came in to find Charlie standing half-naked on top of an empty coffee table with his little poop pebbles all over the stinkin' table!?!?  BOY. 

*Side note - I have never been more happy about a little lingering case of constipation that leads to pebbles of poop that are easily picked up instead of that nice healthy, smearing consistency we all enjoy.... *

**Another side note - I apologize for the somewhat graphic nature of this post.  I am trying to use the sweetest language I can to describe such a subject.  But, let's face it, you're the one who decided to read about a post called Poop on a blog called Poop and Hiccups...**

Closet, table, living room floor, bathtub... These are just a few of the locations where the poop bandit tends to strike.

So here's the thing... Does this mean Charlie is thinking about being potty-trained..!?  Wyatt was just over two years and potty trained like a dream... But Charlie isn't even two yet... And I definitely don't want to set both of us up to fail... But if he's telling me something, I don't want to miss the boat...

Any thoughts, dear Poop readers...? 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Full Disclosure

Today was the day that I sang to my mailbox.

Plexus has arrived! 

Today, I received the Tri-Plex combo which includes a 30 day supply of Slim and 60 count of ProBio5 and 120 count of BioCleanse.  THIS, is a great value.

SO it's almost 2 and I think, I guess it's too late to try Slim today.  But my cousin told me she usually takes one around 3 before her afternoon snack.  I can do that!

So I figured it was time to weigh, measure, confess, and really document - with full disclosure - my journey for you all.

I said I was going to share....

Holy wow I can't believe I'm going to type this. 

Here goes.  No judgment.

Weight this morning -  176.  Yes.  176.  And that's down from yesterday.  People always guess my weight and they always guess wrong.  I'm German.  I have big bones.

Bust - 38.5
Waist - 37 - this is one inch below belly button, at my "personality pudge"
Waist at button - 34.5
Hips - 38.25
Thigh - just one - 24.5
Arm - just one - 12.5
Head - 22.5 - Hey, you never know... ;)

I always describe my shape as straight up and down... I'd say I was right...

So there you have it.  I said it.

I'm going to drink my first Slim... It's go time.

I guess I'll update you all later... :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What's Shakin'...?!

Well, I feel sheepish...

My last post was mid-July.... Eeesh.

To be fair, I composed a long, heartfelt post after my sweet Annie dog had her accident.  But this was really became almost an obituary for her.  As she is still alive and working on her miracle... I felt I needed to save that one...

Then I made a post about Wyatt's first day of preschool!  But, my pictures weren't loading properly so I put that in the vault as well, to work on when I took the time.  I never took the time.

Do you all remember that red computer cabinet I posted about a while back...?  My "office"...?  Well, I have since pulled my computer from that tiny little cabinet and put it on our kitchen table...!  We never really ate at this table - we eat at the dining room table - and it was really our drop zone.  So NOW I have this entire table for my work space...!  The kids have been relatively good about leaving the computer alone.  Success.  I'm so much happier!  And am able to spend more time on the computer without having to open Pandora's little red computer cabinet box.

Now, onto the new business.

If you're reading this, you likely are reading through the Facebook link.  If you have paid any attention at all to Facebook, you've seen one of my now numerous posts about Plexus.  If you haven't found this through Facebook... (That will be shocking...)  Here's a little back story.

One of my sweet cousins in Texas has been using and selling Plexus now for about 4 months.  She posts a LOT on Facebook and I was intrigued.  She immediately started raving to me about the products AND about the company and how quickly it's growing and how many people it's helping.  She explained how I could get involved - either trying the products or trying them as an Ambassador.  I decided to hold off for a bit because we really didn't have a regular income at the time.

Fast forward to last Friday.  I signed up as an Ambassador!  I still haven't tried the products - they should be arriving today.  I cannot wait to try them!

So why in the world did I sign up as an Ambassador if I haven't even tried them...?! 

Well, I have faith.  I have a feeling at least one of their products is going to be a product I just love and don't want to live without!

One of the main reasons I signed up to be an Ambassador, to be honest, is I can get the products cheaper....  Captain Obvious.

Small bonus... I can make some money!  I work all day, every day, with these boys.  But the job pays relatively poorly.  So if I can get a couple dolla, dolla bills out of this journey, why not?

As I'm starting to post more and read and research more about Plexus, I'm getting excited about the company and products, and even more excited, by the interest that has been expressed to me by so many friends!  Even though I haven't tried them, I'm excited.  And especially excited about the idea of going through this with other people. 

Did I say I was excited...?

I share.  Maybe sometimes I overshare.  But from what I hear, some people, certainly not all, appreciate this sharing.  So here I am, sharing.  Maybe oversharing. 

I plan on continuing to tell my story while starting the Plexus products.  Whether it shows up here or just on Facebook, you'll know.  Read, laugh, don't cry.... Ask me questions... Get mad at me.  Laugh at me.  Laugh with me. Just be a part of it.

Speaking of laughing with/at me... I literally just slipped on a grape.  Slipped and busted it.  I hit my shoulder on my dining room credenza and landed on my bum.  True story.  The worst part of the story though, I was carrying sweet Charlie.  Luckily, no babies were injured in the making of my ridiculous fall.  Wyatt was immediately at my side, using his sweet talking and caring voice, tell me he'd always take care of me.... Melt.  Maybe I'm doing something right with him after all.... :)