Friday, July 29, 2016

Christ Walk - Day Two

I woke up today and did as I planned.  I will admit I grabbed my phone first to check the time but then reached for the Christ Walk book I left by my bed.  Day Two isn't a beefy chapter at all.  It is mostly informational and seems a little more geared to those just starting in walking.  So after I finished reading, I wondered where I would find my focus for prayer while I was walking today... I assumed I would just start walking and stumble upon some thoughts.  Not exactly the case.

Shortly after this, I was tested.

I didn't know this was a test and just took it to heart and got a bit sad. Then I realized... it was a test. I've started something new and wonderful and immediately got a distraction thrown my way. Instead of letting this derail me and ruin my day, I believe I have found the focus for my walk today.  The first thing that came into my head when I realized this was:

Do you know what this is?  This is God talking to me - as simple as that... Nothing fancy.  Just telling me what my next move should be.  "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

My mom shared this with me right after I had Wyatt.  I was having some challenging evenings, mostly just getting very anxious about what the night might have in store for me with a brand new baby.  I read this often and was able to find peace in it.  Around that time, something wild happened to me that I will cherish forever and never forget.

One night, when Wyatt was a baby, after I had been telling myself not to be anxious and to give it to God, I had a dream.  In my dream, I was somewhere outside with Wyatt.  Of course, this was a dream so I have no idea where I was - I feel like it was kind of a forest area... I was on the outside of it but also in it at some point.  I was just walking, holding Wyatt, and I realized it was about to storm.  What in the world was I going to do?!  What a mistake I had made...!  I was outside with my small baby and going to get stuck in a storm.  I had no idea where to go because we were in the middle of nowhere.  Sure enough, it started to rain and then storm while we were out in the woods.  Next thing I know, I'm not out in the woods in the rain anymore...  I'm in the church I grew up in.  The church I still attend today.  How in the world did that happen?  One second I was out in the pouring rain with my brand new baby and the next I was safe inside our empty church....

This dream was almost 6 years ago but I still remember it so well and still get lost in the wonder of it. That was the first time in my life that I really believe that God spoke to me.  "Lindsey... It's going to be okay because you have me.  You have the church...."

I'm being tested.  Right here at the start of something new.  So I will carry Philippians 4:6 with me on a piece of paper while I walk, along with the two scriptures the Christ Walk gave me today.

"Teach them to your children, talking about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise." - Deuteronomy 11:19

"All things can be done for the one who believes." - Mark 9:23

I'm hoping to find answers again today on my walk.  I'm a little skeptical because what I'm hoping to get answers for is bigger than just ME.  Who knows what will come from this.... I have been given some tools to carry with me along with the way.  I have a feeling the time alone outside listening to my feet in the grass, the gravel, the dirt will lead me somewhere.  Hopefully.

Hmmm. I said earlier that Day Two of Christ Walk wasn't very beefy.  Well... That escalated quickly.....


  1. Praying for success of this new adventure that you are having. I am enjoying reading of your challenges and your responses.

    1. Thank you so much! It has already been so interesting to see where it takes me. I will admit - each time I write I imagine turning it into you and it coming back covered in red. I apologize for my mistakes. :)
