Wednesday, May 28, 2014

And then there was strep...

Last Wednesday, we had a great play date with a friend.  We've been having a great time getting together.  Wyatt and her boy seem to have a great time while Charlie tags along.  Her little girl spends most of the time observing the boys and their - what I assume she interprets as - ridiculous behavior.  She's adorable.  Fun times had by all.

Later that evening, my friend texted asking if Wyatt seemed to be feeling ok.  Apparently her boy was feeling a bit puny.  I said Wyatt was doing just fine.

Shortly after, I received another text. "Oh my goodness he just threw up."

My heart stopped.

I have an unbelievable stomach sickness paranoia.  Being a mom was probably the worst field I could get into.

Luckily, the boy was only sick once but the next day he did have a fever.  At their check-up, the doctor just figured it was a virus.  Later that night, the strep test came back positive.

I googled.  It said symptoms usually appear 2-5 days after exposure.  We made it to day 4 and 5 and I thought, "FREEEEEEE."


Wyatt started feeling very warm.  Fever. 101.  He said his mouth hurt. 


The next day, he only had a little fever and didn't complain about his mouth/throat much.  I decided to take him into the doctor anyway since we had been exposed.  Wyatt has had strep one other time and I didn't even realize he was sick.  I took him to the doctor because he had a little rash on his face.  The doctor thought his throat looked red so she swabbed him.  Positive.  I couldn't believe it.

Charlie was along for the ride at the doctor - he had a slight fever the same day as Wyatt's fever but acted pretty normal.  Teeth....?  WE NEED MORE TEETH.

The doctor examined both children while I was sweating through my shirt.  Doctor's appointments with two somewhat crazy somewhat sick kids is torturous.

Wyatt's throat was red along with one ear.  Charlie looked perfectly fine.

Strep test for Wyatt - he enjoyed that.  5 minutes later - the nurse walked in the room with the results.  Positive.  Seconds later, Wyatt was standing on a chair and sneezed all over me, twice.  Classic.

This is what Wyatt looks like with strep.

The doctor decided since Charlie was maybe sensitive to amoxicillin that we shouldn't assume he had strep also.  Monitor Charlie and bring him in for testing if he develops a fever, cough or other symptoms.

That night, Charlie developed a fever.  100.

The next morning, Charlie woke up and was on fire.  102.

Into the doctor we go.  I was looking so forward to having this boy strep tested.  :| 

5 minutes later - the nurse informed us the test was "blatantly positive". 

Believe it or not, I was thrilled to find out it was positive.  That way, at least I know what's wrong with Charlie.  If it would have been negative then I'd be continuing on with my wondering germ paranoia.

Since the amoxicillin debacle just a short time ago, the doctor put Charlie on azithromycin.  I'm excited about that - we only have to give Charlie medicine once a day for 5 days.  Since all of our crazy doctor experiences, Charlie seems to have developed a distrust for me.  He refuses to take medicine from me.  But when Seth gives it to him, he sits right down and opens wide.  Stink pot....

I have been in touch with my dear friend who started this little plague... ;)  Since then, her little girl has also tested positive for strep.  Don't worry friend, like I said, I'm sure this is not the last time our kids get each other sick....

My friend said it best, "We can start a strep club."

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