Sunday, June 8, 2014

Flashlights. Damn.

Several weeks ago, Wyatt and Seth had to weather a nasty storm in the cellar.  Charlie and I were safe in the hospital dealing with his bronchiolitis.  Wyatt definitely made some memories while being in the cellar with his Daddy and has been quick to share many of the details with anyone that crosses his path.

One day, shortly after the storm, Wyatt and Seth were in Casey's and bumped into some local farmer friends.  Wyatt began telling his version of the events in the cellar.  He explained to one farmer that the batteries in their flashlight were dead.  The farmer asked Wyatt, "What do you say when your batteries die in your flashlight?"  I'm not sure that Wyatt had an answer, but the farmer did.  The farmer told Wyatt, "I always say 'Damnit' when the batteries in my flashlight die."

Thanks, Farmer. 

Though, "fortunately", Wyatt already knew the word.... Apparently he learned it from his momma....

A few days later, Wyatt and Seth were in Casey's again and bumped into the same farmer friend.  This time, the farmer gave Wyatt his very own flashlight.  He informed Wyatt, "This is your damnit flashlight."

Why.... Farmer?  Why....?

This was a novelty for quite some time.  Wyatt kept his "damnit flashlight" in the shed and told every visitor that this was his "damnit flashlight".

Fast forward several weeks to a beautiful Sunday morning in church - Pentecost.  We had a guest pastor who was also in charge of the children's time that Wyatt always attends at the front of the church in the middle of the service.

I should add - this guest pastor isn't just any guest in the church.  He is a very treasured part of our church who has been there often and actually baptized Wyatt.

The guest pastor pulled out a flashlight.

Seth and I exchanged nervous glances.

The pastor asked the kids what it was he was holding.  The kids were quiet for a few seconds until Wyatt - one of the youngest in the bunch - chimed in "a flashlight".

Whew..... Just a flashlight.

The pastor continued his children's sermon by demonstrating that the flashlight didn't work because it was out of batteries.


Seth and I exchanged nervous glances and giggles.  Oh. My. Goodness... Please, Wyatt... Don't. Talk.

Wyatt got chatty today at children's time and started sharing some of his experience with cellars and flashlights and explained that our cellar is dark and Daddy's flashlight ran out of batteries.  He then asked the pastor if he could have that flashlight in case we needed to go into the cellar again.

Amazingly, Wyatt didn't drop a damnit in church today.  But there couldn't have been a more perfect opportunity for him to share his colorful farmer language with the entire congregation.

Seth and I sat and giggled nervously through most of the children's sermon while several members of the congregation kept smiling at us while they heard Wyatt's take on the cellar/flashlight experience.

Maybe this kid has a filter and knows it should be applied at church.

Damn flashlights.

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